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Do you live in SW Michigan or Northern Indiana? Find out more at the link above.

Since 2014, Michigan Lutheran has operated a boarding school. Learn more about our first-class student housing.

Mission Statement

Michigan Lutheran High School provides Christ-centered learning for Christ-centered living.

Total Students


9-12th Grade

Average ACT Score


National Average 21

Average Class Size



Pursue College Degrees



From the President

Michigan Lutheran High School is dedicated to ensuring the highest level of faith-based education for all. We help students achieve personal, spiritual, and academic success by educating body, soul, and mind. We serve beyond Southwestern Michigan to include students from all over the world and the U.S.A every year.

See where the road has taken us

We are nationally accredited: Our rigorous, relevant and well-rounded curriculum produces educational excellence by exceeding the Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements while also preparing students for post-secondary education and a variety of careers.